Summer vacation is just around the corner, and spending time at the beach or at a family lakehouse tops the list of what most teenagers want to do now that Covid restrictions are finally easing up. But, at the end of the summer, it’s important to look back and realize you’ve actually DONE something during those weeks away from school. Having a significant summer experience matters and can set you apart from other candidates.
Here are suggestions to make you look back on your summer and be proud of what you accomplished–and it doesn’t have to be boring!
Summer Jobs
Now that life is returning to normal, businesses are eager to hire seasonal help. Getting a job, whether working at a restaurant, lifeguarding, or being a camp counselor, is an excellent way to save money for college and build a strong work ethic. You’ll learn what it’s like to collaborate with a group of people, be responsible outside of your home, and improve your time-management skills.
Volunteer Work
Volunteer opportunities may have been few and far between these past 15 months, but now that Covid restrictions are easing up, this summer could be the perfect time to get out and help others. Think about what interests you and find an opportunity to match that interest. If you like kids, volunteer at a summer camp. If you are interested in the environment, participate in a beach clean-up. Politics is your passion? Stuff envelopes or go door to door for a campaign. The volunteer work doesn’t have to be in foreign country building houses. People need help close to home as well.
Take on a “Project”
Wish you could build a drone, learn how to code, or train for a triathlon? With ten weeks of summer staring you in the face, you will have ample opportunity to focus your time and attention to accomplish your goal. The only thing limiting you is your imagination…
Develop your “Special Talent” or Interest
Summer can be the perfect time to attend camps and participate in programs devoted to all types of activities: history, journalism, politics, robotics. Many of these programs are still being offered virtually this summer, so you can spend your days with teens who share your same passion and hone your skills at the same time.
Take a Virtual Class
Taking a course over the summer to gain insight into a particular subject is a great way to gain experience. It’s also the perfect opportunity for students to explore a subject matter that has always intrigued them and demonstrate their intellectual curiosity. You can take a class through your local parks department, community college, or even participate in a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). Coursera is a company that offers hundreds of choices of free online classes through world-class universities.
Whatever you do this summer, take time to relax, enjoy your free time, and recharge your battery!
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