Since 2020 the role that standardized testing plays in admissions has shifted dramatically. Covid and attention to the socio-economic fairness of standardized testing precipitated colleges choosing test-optional admissions; the California college system actually embraced test-blind admissions. The nuances of these changes, college to college, are important to consider as a student crafts his applications to […]
Pedal to the Metal
After the intense activity around and attention to the details in applications, essays and college deadlines this past month, the inclination may be to sit back, smile with satisfaction, and relax. After all, aren’t you more or less on the finish line? For high school seniors, especially, this is actually the time to be putting […]
Take Advantage of Virtual Visits!
We can’t stress enough the importance of exploring options virtually this application season. For two days, Strive is sponsoring info sessions with 34 different STEM programs. Dig in!
Engineering Majors
Are you a problem solver? Do you like to see how things work? Then being an engineer may be the career for you! Engineers use science and math to find creative solutions to real-world problems. Having a strong aptitude in math and physics is a must for all engineers, and many college engineering programs value […]
Covid-19 Careers?
For some students, the onset of the COVID-19 has prompted a curiosity about ways that specific majors can lead to careers linked to the pandemic. We thought it might be interesting to explore some of these options. The obvious fields are familiar health-related careers: doctor, physician assistant, nurse or nurse practitioner, respiratory therapist. We expect […]
Our Response to Systemic Racism
Rossbach & O’Connor respects and promotes the diversity that defines our country. We also recognize that we can always do more to promote college access for all students. Given the grievous situation our country is experiencing surrounding race, we are taking actionable steps to promote change that leads to equity. We pledge to provide 526 […]